Компания Глазок - Петропавловск-Камчатский

Компания Глазок
Камчатский край
Петропавловск-Камчатский, просп. Победы, 67/2
Время работы
ежедневно, 10:00–21:00
+7 (4152) 45-44-56
What happened Why your child is not accepted by collective Your child can be perceived by schoolmates at all how you represent it to yourselves.In a family the child, as a rule, is in a situation of full love and understanding.It love for that it is.But children in the communication are guided by other criteria, their court is much more strict.If your child does not correspond to their expectations, it appears in group rejected with which nobody is on friendly terms with whom do not want even to share the same desk at whom laugh. Fell down in own bed all remained canThis diary follows a message as it is possible is means more precisely that even if you communicate with your child in a somnolence in the middle of night, all of you equally should try to write down everything that occurred, and reaction of your child It can be difficult, but you need to keep the diary not less than a week in order that it is really good a problem.Rereading it, think over the following questions whether There is a schedule of preparation for a dream whether You solve.when time came to go to bed, and whether do that.what solved whether Passes laying to sleep easily, whether you prepare the child to what time came to fall asleepSmall angels whether Your child independently and in own bed falls asleep whether Your child without auxiliary factors, such as a small bottle can fall asleep with drink, the TV and burning light whether You can leave a bedroom before your child will fall asleep, and whether can leave you it to fill up one whether Your child can fall asleep, without getting out of a bed and without calling you whether Your child all night long can oversleep one in the bed If your child calls you at night, whether can calm and leave quickly you it that he again fell asleep whether. That is why an ear pain has especially an effect at night when the child lies and as though weakens in the afternoon.Pain, tearfulness, sleeplessness usual symptoms at this disease.Sometimes it is accompanied by the increased temperature, a nose zalozhennost, vomiting.It is more difficult to catch other its signs character of a sosaniye at children whom nurse changes, the child starts to cry, when you stack it horizontal situation.Happens that thus the kid fingers the ears, but it still about anything does not speak and does not belong to authentic symptoms of a disease.Kids often pull themselves ears, especially during the period when they cut teeth. It was the long and difficult way, but now I start to reap the fruits of the efforts.COMPETITION OF CHILDREN AND PARENTS Though their temperament, instead of inability of parents happens the reason of shout of children first of all, it does not remove from the last responsibility.From that, how fast they will take it on hands and to meet halfway wishes of the child with high level of requirements, depends, as far as it will be loud and in what traits of character subsequently it will pour out pleasant or undesirable.For streamlining of behavior of the child the central figure close to it is necessary.Usually it is mother. The normal intestinal microflora carries out three functions digestive, synthetic and protective.Digestive function consists in the help of n digestion of the remains of perayeshcheplenny food.As to the second, it is proved that the microflora of intestines carries out synthesis of vitamins B, , Wb, , RR, To and bioooze.Synthetic function of intestinal microflora is most vulnerable, decreasing or n n under influence n factors antibiotics, enteric infections, etc The intestinal microflora is also peculiar barrier, protecting an organism from invasion of pathogenic microorganisms and not n their reproduction. Therefore to Lisa in the earphone explained how to use distracting moments, to take away it home.They with Kieran played at the lake and when time came to come back home, it was necessary for it to withdraw it, having never mentioned that they leave.Oh, you saw a squirrel she told, and then left, without looking back.Ki wounds hastened behind it.Now she needed to think up something else to distract it.About! she told, is a blackberry din And it followed it a little more further.Tempting him with the new distracting moments through everyone some minutes, Lisa successfully withdrew Kieran without any objections. As the child is not able to supervise yet emotion by means of reason, he chooses the unique exit for them, let's to the feelings be splashed out outside.Actually, we also call it a hysterics or fit of anger.Whether it is possible to constrain fit of anger How to consult with fit of anger a problem both for the child, and for roditel.How to you to behave in such situation First, understand that you cannot constrain such hysterics, and can respect only manifestation of feelings of the kid.After all they reflect an emotional condition of your child, and it should learn to cope with them.

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